Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The harricane hit haioti hardthey don't know if there food supply is going to last an how long well it say.There crops are wioed out the death toll was 900 in 3 days. also taking most of thesouth of haiti with it.theses are the reports on Aljazera. The new York Times reports they go into saying that hsrricsnd mstthe oushed the city down now. the city of Je're'mie its litterly going the city just got its firth road thast took then all over the city. The city of was getti ng everything thst they neededlike a cell phone to do bussiness a way to keeping easier connection with who they need to talk to. the roads are blocked and it has makked it hard for th peoplee to get around like needed.  the peolp for haiti are upset that they have to start all over again  from scecth.CBS news reports of how harricane matthew ripped though Hait. They also go into saying that the country is just ruined. The world health organization gave one million dosea of choler vaccine to prevent epidenic. the President of the US urge the country to support Hait.

1 comment:

  1. Travia,

    It was a bit tough for me to read your work on this blog post—there were many typos and/or misspelled words which distracted from my reading experience. Did you take a moment to re-read your work after your wrote it? (To check it out from a reader’s perspective?)

    Ok, so first thing’s first: “Hurricane Matthew” is not a TEXTUAL GENRE. It’s a very important topic at the moment, but when we’re thinking about textual genres, we need to be thinking about writing. I need you to focus specifically on a piece of WRITING that is associated with this hurricane. Ask yourself: what kinds of writing do people produce that touches/touched on this hurricane?

    So again, get into the ingredients of a *specific piece of writing.* What are some common textual conventions/ingredients/patterns of this particular type of writing? What *in the writing* is observable? I think your next major step is to back up your claims by helping me to SEE what you want me to see. The best way to do that is to call my (and other readers’) attention to actual slices of language that you think represent something important.
    In ENG 101-108, I’m trying to train you to become super-observant so that you can get down to the nittiest of details and adhere (if that’s what you want to do) to the audience’s expectations for all the different genres that you’ll write here on out. By gaining a deeper and more critical reading awareness, you’ll be able to adopt/adapt writer’s choices (their writing) into your own writing.

