Friday, October 21, 2016

how to do a close reading

Being a close reader is good in some ways because being a close reader you might understand the work a little better. If you read close you start with reading to yourself aloud so you can hear the word that you are reading then get the understanding of what you are reading.. The you need to determine whtra the words and references mean look the words up if you don't know what they are. That way you will know the right way to say the word and know what it means.get to know the sound and rhythm of the writing its like when you make music you have to have the beats together so that the words and the beats line up with each other. you also have to use your imagination so you can visibility of what is on the paper you are reading.Write down things that stand out that you see more than once write the things that are important down tell how things work with the passage.tell how the word are written   on the paperor just in the sentences. what is the tone of the writeror the narratives voice how do he or she sound like.Is the structure good or bad what role does the textual context play in this passage in this moment The theme what is it does it help or is it just there with no reason behind it.  What is the gender of this passage? .Does this passage reveal anything of interest. Is there history behind this story. look backand tell what the thesis is and retell the story in your word.

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