Friday, December 16, 2016

the last two classes we where in the computer room we've done surveys amd also we did google doc a thon and it was a good experience i really enjoyed that.this class was a good one i liked my teacher and my classmates i hope to see some of these guys again.I like learning that's why i came back to school i felt a little lost before i came back. Now im here and i'm in it for the long hall. So these blogs have been something new for me never thought or tried to do something like this. Now i'm almost done with my English classes tring to move up in the bussiness world and on to great things. doing my projects were a like difficult but i did them from the portfolio,wp2,wp1,pb1b,and , pb's it was different in this class because the teaher was also good and did his best to keep class as interested.I just keep wanting to talk about how much i enjoyed this class but really i did. On another note i was so mad that i miss my last chance to review so i would have a better understanding of what was going on in the final better.It ok i think i might got this or not but lets go get it over. I need to rest my mind its on over time right now i am i going to past or fail this class hope not but we will see.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

So my wp2 was hard than I thought it would be easy did the work but it was all wrong. I'm sad at myself for not doing better than I did Zack does really well with letting us know where we went wrong. I'm happy about that but omg I got to do better the next time. I write my paper for my portfolio so I can get a better grade  So I'm going to go over the work I did and start over so I can give the paper my teacher expectsaid. So back to the drawing board and lets get a A instead of what I did get. So I will be taking the comments and the what I think I should be doing. I  just want to pass this class so I can get this out the way and move on to the next classes I have to take and have my mind together. I'm excited to move on but I want to keep my teacher. Why because I think I learned a lot and it was because of the teacher I had. I just want to do good on my portfolio so I can show that I have learned to work. I hope I really do have this paper together now so I can get a passing grade on my  final grade

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

WP2 the way we had these groups where helpful we took time out and got the opinion of our classmates. that made a difference when i rewrote my paper the group gave me ideas on what i wrote and help me with pots that could have been much better. I was writing about fuel and how they are using waste for electric and using wastewater to fuel the earth and how oing it this way is much fatser than waiting on Mother Nature because its faster there way. this is some cool stuff. soon we will be using our sewage waste for electric and using waste to fiel the earth and at the end of the day this is something the government is doing so we wont have any say so why cause the government do what they want. But it was cool to learn something new and get to understand it so i can know what is going on around me and not just being one of those people that just let shit happen to them.Im happy that this way of fueling might be non costly thats good just hope everything goes the away it is suppose too, This is what i wrote about for my WP2 isnt it cool to found out new thing so we can be informed.
hey so im writing about my meet with Zack. It was very enlightening because for a minute i was lost.I was spinning in a circle. Then we had our meeting got to talk about what was in my head aloud and see it on the big screen was very helpful. I got my second article in that meeting, i got a new way to look at my paper altogether that was great.So when i sat down and started writing all the things that Zack and i talked about made things easier to put on paper. This was a great way for us to get a better understanding on what we where doing. In my head i was just trying to look at it from a social science,and historical point and forgot that it was other ways to think. So instead i did social science, and hard science right. so i looked at it like that and had a great understanding of what was going on. This was a long road but it was a good one and i am grateful for my teacher because he doesn't just give us work and that is that he works with us to make sure we get the best from what he is teaching us. He has a lot of moves to get us ready on prepared for whats to come.  I cant wait to do these papers over in hopes that i get an A on them.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Doing my wp1 I was so nervous because I didn't feel Luke I was doing it right. But I got a passing grade I was so excited because I worked hard on it and you can tell. I didn't understand at first but as always my teacher helped us until we got it so awesome to have a teacher that is willing to help as much as Zack is without the help in class and working so hard I would've been lost on this project. I think I learned more in this ten week class than I've learned in any 15 week class. I can't wait for the rest of the class because so far it is going ok want to know if the rest will be like this. Fresh exciting and new like it has been so far enjoying my class and hope it will be like this until the end .
My wp2 at first I didn't understand how can I think like someone I'm not was the question I said to myself . Then the more it was explained the better I understood and now I think I have it. I have to look at the article I pick and understand it like a business person and like and historian person it's going to be easy and hard at the same time. That's because I really have to use my brain and think outside my box and into someone else's box. I  have  to  get my mind in the right place to do this. I'm excited because I can't wait to do it and finish it so I can get my grade. I like doing this my topic is going to be chemistry and there is a lot of ways to go about doing this and there is so much to learn in doing this project and you are thinking in different ways and using what we learned about so far in class and on our own. So let's get this project finish and have fun doing it
I have enjoyed this class we have learned a lot . I start off with genre and at first it was hard for me now I think I got it. The dolls helped a lot in helping me learn genre.Learning moves,tone,reading like a writer  , and rhetoric. Class working in groups sharing your ideas with each other and getting feed back makes thinks a lot easier. I enjoy class my teacher is  awesome and makes sure we understand and if not he make sure to help in the best way he knows how. This class is a great learning  experience for me and I'm sure for others also I hope the rest of school is as exciting as this because I will be OK if that is the case .