Tuesday, November 29, 2016

WP2 the way we had these groups where helpful we took time out and got the opinion of our classmates. that made a difference when i rewrote my paper the group gave me ideas on what i wrote and help me with pots that could have been much better. I was writing about fuel and how they are using waste for electric and using wastewater to fuel the earth and how oing it this way is much fatser than waiting on Mother Nature because its faster there way. this is some cool stuff. soon we will be using our sewage waste for electric and using waste to fiel the earth and at the end of the day this is something the government is doing so we wont have any say so why cause the government do what they want. But it was cool to learn something new and get to understand it so i can know what is going on around me and not just being one of those people that just let shit happen to them.Im happy that this way of fueling might be non costly thats good just hope everything goes the away it is suppose too, This is what i wrote about for my WP2 isnt it cool to found out new thing so we can be informed.

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