Friday, November 11, 2016

This is just crazy our new president is Donald Trump. Most black people are outraged with the out come and cant believe what just happened before our eyes.I read this article call "Black Voters on Donald Trump: We’ve Heard It All Before"  where a couple of different college students talk about what they think or how they are feeling about this. Tunette Powell, a black Ph.D. student in Los Angeles she feels like when Donald Trump talks about african americans it take her back to when she was in high school hearing her teacher say to her “go back to the ghetto.”  Quiteka Moten, 29, a graduate student at Tennessee State University she has conjured memories of Obama election. Jeff Jackson, a 43-year-old Atlanta resident recalls the early 90's election. Even goes to talk about Ben Carson a one time presidential candidate and now supports Trump.

Powell talks about how Trump is calling for the " stop-and-frisk" and she also recalls a time the police pulled her and her cousin over and searched there car and was joking about a car like theres was just used in a robbery. Trump has retweeted messages from white supremacists Powell thinks back to her white college classmate telling her how his family would have barbecues just so they could talk about black people. She said that “I feel like Donald Trump is not a big bad wolf. He’s existed for a long time.”  

Moten talks about the difference in this election and the election in 2008 back then she was a undergraduate at the University of Tennessee. She saw people riding around with confederate flags and they put cotton balls on the lawn at the schools black cultural center.

Jackson works in finance  he goes in to talk about when he and his friends taook a trip in high school and were told by a gas station clerk “Your kind is not wanted.” How can somebody say that to another person so uncool. Jackson says Whether stunned or simply deflated, black voters, not surprisingly, are keeping a great distance from Mr. Trump. The surport he has from black people is low even compared to other republican presidential candidates in the past with was thought to damange him in swing states like North Carolina.

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