Friday, November 11, 2016

*    I think that the man Ben Jonson making the move “Capturing authorial action in paragraphs of writing for example he said “In the age of sacrifices, the truth of religion was not in the greatness and fat of the offering, but in the devotion and zeal of the sacrificers.” He starts off with this sentence and people well read this because there is always an argument about religion. Then he writes to the reader and stats off talking like this “If thou beest more, thou art an understander, and then I trust thee this man is trying to get his point across to keep your reading.
*    I believe that Ben Jonson is also “Establishing why your claim matters” because he writes with a passion and let you know how he feels about the agreement he is trying together like this he says This, yet, safe in your judgement (which is a Sidney’s) is forbidden to speak more, less it talk or look like one of the ambitious face of the time, who, the more they paint are the less themselves.” His argument is about not only religion, but also about how women are treated. He goes in to say it not to hurt the men “I speak not this, out of a hope to do good to any man against his will; for I know, if it were put to the question of theirs and mind, the worse would find more suffrages: because the most favour common errors.” Everybody makes mistakes but you can also fix the problems that are around.
*    Ben Jonson is “Introducing Objections Informally “he asks questions like this “What could a handle of gums have done in the sight of a hecatomb? or how might I appear at this alter, except with those affections that no less love the light and witness, than they have the conscience pf your virtue?” Jonson is being real objective in his text he also asks the question “But how out of purpose, and place, do I name art? “This man is not saying he know everything he is talking about he still asking questions trying to put it all together that’s why you ask question talk to other get opinions from others.
*    Jonson is writing with compassion I will call it “Writing with A Heart".  He says “I deny not, but that these men, who always seek to do more than enough, may some times happen on some thing that is good, and great, but very seldom, and when it comes it doth not recompense the rest of

1 comment:

  1. Great job on your PB2B, Travia! :) I've got one quick suggestion: please make sure that you take an extra second to give each one of your blog posts a title so that I know what it is -- for example, I'm guessing that your previous post is your PB2A, but I'm not really sure. Make sure to leave your readers (me, in this case!), signals so that they can identify what's what.

