Monday, November 14, 2016

My wp2 at first I didn't understand how can I think like someone I'm not was the question I said to myself . Then the more it was explained the better I understood and now I think I have it. I have to look at the article I pick and understand it like a business person and like and historian person it's going to be easy and hard at the same time. That's because I really have to use my brain and think outside my box and into someone else's box. I  have  to  get my mind in the right place to do this. I'm excited because I can't wait to do it and finish it so I can get my grade. I like doing this my topic is going to be chemistry and there is a lot of ways to go about doing this and there is so much to learn in doing this project and you are thinking in different ways and using what we learned about so far in class and on our own. So let's get this project finish and have fun doing it

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