Friday, November 4, 2016

I'm going to talk today about septa strike this is a mess.All the traffic everywhere you can't get though anyway because everyone has to drive to like it's no getting around driving. I understand that he people who work for septa have to have better health insurance of course but thief strike inconveniences everyone. I feel like they should've just  gave them what they wanted so all of this could have been prevented and everyone old go back to everyday life. This is putting everyone at risk more car accidents more people getting urticaria because they are walking.The city is a mess I can't say that enough and why because hey don't want to give the people hate they went and what they deserve that's only fair they'rmue not asking for to much why not just give it to them they need it. Then at the end of the day they still are going to have to I've them somewhat of hat they are asking because that's the only way to going to work. People are missing work and kids are missing school here is that far to them this  sucks people ant make it to appointments the regional ail is far and sometimes tsunami further than people think and everyone can't do a long walk. What about the disabled  and them getting around and  can't get a ride how does that affect them. See the people that septa are fighting really making it hard for everyone not just some people the city is all over the place without septa this strike ends to end soon and fast so everything and get back on track and the city can be less messy go back to being said normal as possible .

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