Friday, December 16, 2016

the last two classes we where in the computer room we've done surveys amd also we did google doc a thon and it was a good experience i really enjoyed that.this class was a good one i liked my teacher and my classmates i hope to see some of these guys again.I like learning that's why i came back to school i felt a little lost before i came back. Now im here and i'm in it for the long hall. So these blogs have been something new for me never thought or tried to do something like this. Now i'm almost done with my English classes tring to move up in the bussiness world and on to great things. doing my projects were a like difficult but i did them from the portfolio,wp2,wp1,pb1b,and , pb's it was different in this class because the teaher was also good and did his best to keep class as interested.I just keep wanting to talk about how much i enjoyed this class but really i did. On another note i was so mad that i miss my last chance to review so i would have a better understanding of what was going on in the final better.It ok i think i might got this or not but lets go get it over. I need to rest my mind its on over time right now i am i going to past or fail this class hope not but we will see.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

So my wp2 was hard than I thought it would be easy did the work but it was all wrong. I'm sad at myself for not doing better than I did Zack does really well with letting us know where we went wrong. I'm happy about that but omg I got to do better the next time. I write my paper for my portfolio so I can get a better grade  So I'm going to go over the work I did and start over so I can give the paper my teacher expectsaid. So back to the drawing board and lets get a A instead of what I did get. So I will be taking the comments and the what I think I should be doing. I  just want to pass this class so I can get this out the way and move on to the next classes I have to take and have my mind together. I'm excited to move on but I want to keep my teacher. Why because I think I learned a lot and it was because of the teacher I had. I just want to do good on my portfolio so I can show that I have learned to work. I hope I really do have this paper together now so I can get a passing grade on my  final grade

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

WP2 the way we had these groups where helpful we took time out and got the opinion of our classmates. that made a difference when i rewrote my paper the group gave me ideas on what i wrote and help me with pots that could have been much better. I was writing about fuel and how they are using waste for electric and using wastewater to fuel the earth and how oing it this way is much fatser than waiting on Mother Nature because its faster there way. this is some cool stuff. soon we will be using our sewage waste for electric and using waste to fiel the earth and at the end of the day this is something the government is doing so we wont have any say so why cause the government do what they want. But it was cool to learn something new and get to understand it so i can know what is going on around me and not just being one of those people that just let shit happen to them.Im happy that this way of fueling might be non costly thats good just hope everything goes the away it is suppose too, This is what i wrote about for my WP2 isnt it cool to found out new thing so we can be informed.
hey so im writing about my meet with Zack. It was very enlightening because for a minute i was lost.I was spinning in a circle. Then we had our meeting got to talk about what was in my head aloud and see it on the big screen was very helpful. I got my second article in that meeting, i got a new way to look at my paper altogether that was great.So when i sat down and started writing all the things that Zack and i talked about made things easier to put on paper. This was a great way for us to get a better understanding on what we where doing. In my head i was just trying to look at it from a social science,and historical point and forgot that it was other ways to think. So instead i did social science, and hard science right. so i looked at it like that and had a great understanding of what was going on. This was a long road but it was a good one and i am grateful for my teacher because he doesn't just give us work and that is that he works with us to make sure we get the best from what he is teaching us. He has a lot of moves to get us ready on prepared for whats to come.  I cant wait to do these papers over in hopes that i get an A on them.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Doing my wp1 I was so nervous because I didn't feel Luke I was doing it right. But I got a passing grade I was so excited because I worked hard on it and you can tell. I didn't understand at first but as always my teacher helped us until we got it so awesome to have a teacher that is willing to help as much as Zack is without the help in class and working so hard I would've been lost on this project. I think I learned more in this ten week class than I've learned in any 15 week class. I can't wait for the rest of the class because so far it is going ok want to know if the rest will be like this. Fresh exciting and new like it has been so far enjoying my class and hope it will be like this until the end .
My wp2 at first I didn't understand how can I think like someone I'm not was the question I said to myself . Then the more it was explained the better I understood and now I think I have it. I have to look at the article I pick and understand it like a business person and like and historian person it's going to be easy and hard at the same time. That's because I really have to use my brain and think outside my box and into someone else's box. I  have  to  get my mind in the right place to do this. I'm excited because I can't wait to do it and finish it so I can get my grade. I like doing this my topic is going to be chemistry and there is a lot of ways to go about doing this and there is so much to learn in doing this project and you are thinking in different ways and using what we learned about so far in class and on our own. So let's get this project finish and have fun doing it
I have enjoyed this class we have learned a lot . I start off with genre and at first it was hard for me now I think I got it. The dolls helped a lot in helping me learn genre.Learning moves,tone,reading like a writer  , and rhetoric. Class working in groups sharing your ideas with each other and getting feed back makes thinks a lot easier. I enjoy class my teacher is  awesome and makes sure we understand and if not he make sure to help in the best way he knows how. This class is a great learning  experience for me and I'm sure for others also I hope the rest of school is as exciting as this because I will be OK if that is the case .

Friday, November 11, 2016

*    I think that the man Ben Jonson making the move “Capturing authorial action in paragraphs of writing for example he said “In the age of sacrifices, the truth of religion was not in the greatness and fat of the offering, but in the devotion and zeal of the sacrificers.” He starts off with this sentence and people well read this because there is always an argument about religion. Then he writes to the reader and stats off talking like this “If thou beest more, thou art an understander, and then I trust thee this man is trying to get his point across to keep your reading.
*    I believe that Ben Jonson is also “Establishing why your claim matters” because he writes with a passion and let you know how he feels about the agreement he is trying together like this he says This, yet, safe in your judgement (which is a Sidney’s) is forbidden to speak more, less it talk or look like one of the ambitious face of the time, who, the more they paint are the less themselves.” His argument is about not only religion, but also about how women are treated. He goes in to say it not to hurt the men “I speak not this, out of a hope to do good to any man against his will; for I know, if it were put to the question of theirs and mind, the worse would find more suffrages: because the most favour common errors.” Everybody makes mistakes but you can also fix the problems that are around.
*    Ben Jonson is “Introducing Objections Informally “he asks questions like this “What could a handle of gums have done in the sight of a hecatomb? or how might I appear at this alter, except with those affections that no less love the light and witness, than they have the conscience pf your virtue?” Jonson is being real objective in his text he also asks the question “But how out of purpose, and place, do I name art? “This man is not saying he know everything he is talking about he still asking questions trying to put it all together that’s why you ask question talk to other get opinions from others.
*    Jonson is writing with compassion I will call it “Writing with A Heart".  He says “I deny not, but that these men, who always seek to do more than enough, may some times happen on some thing that is good, and great, but very seldom, and when it comes it doth not recompense the rest of

This is just crazy our new president is Donald Trump. Most black people are outraged with the out come and cant believe what just happened before our eyes.I read this article call "Black Voters on Donald Trump: We’ve Heard It All Before"  where a couple of different college students talk about what they think or how they are feeling about this. Tunette Powell, a black Ph.D. student in Los Angeles she feels like when Donald Trump talks about african americans it take her back to when she was in high school hearing her teacher say to her “go back to the ghetto.”  Quiteka Moten, 29, a graduate student at Tennessee State University she has conjured memories of Obama election. Jeff Jackson, a 43-year-old Atlanta resident recalls the early 90's election. Even goes to talk about Ben Carson a one time presidential candidate and now supports Trump.

Powell talks about how Trump is calling for the " stop-and-frisk" and she also recalls a time the police pulled her and her cousin over and searched there car and was joking about a car like theres was just used in a robbery. Trump has retweeted messages from white supremacists Powell thinks back to her white college classmate telling her how his family would have barbecues just so they could talk about black people. She said that “I feel like Donald Trump is not a big bad wolf. He’s existed for a long time.”  

Moten talks about the difference in this election and the election in 2008 back then she was a undergraduate at the University of Tennessee. She saw people riding around with confederate flags and they put cotton balls on the lawn at the schools black cultural center.

Jackson works in finance  he goes in to talk about when he and his friends taook a trip in high school and were told by a gas station clerk “Your kind is not wanted.” How can somebody say that to another person so uncool. Jackson says Whether stunned or simply deflated, black voters, not surprisingly, are keeping a great distance from Mr. Trump. The surport he has from black people is low even compared to other republican presidential candidates in the past with was thought to damange him in swing states like North Carolina.

Friday, November 4, 2016

I'm going to talk today about septa strike this is a mess.All the traffic everywhere you can't get though anyway because everyone has to drive to like it's no getting around driving. I understand that he people who work for septa have to have better health insurance of course but thief strike inconveniences everyone. I feel like they should've just  gave them what they wanted so all of this could have been prevented and everyone old go back to everyday life. This is putting everyone at risk more car accidents more people getting urticaria because they are walking.The city is a mess I can't say that enough and why because hey don't want to give the people hate they went and what they deserve that's only fair they'rmue not asking for to much why not just give it to them they need it. Then at the end of the day they still are going to have to I've them somewhat of hat they are asking because that's the only way to going to work. People are missing work and kids are missing school here is that far to them this  sucks people ant make it to appointments the regional ail is far and sometimes tsunami further than people think and everyone can't do a long walk. What about the disabled  and them getting around and  can't get a ride how does that affect them. See the people that septa are fighting really making it hard for everyone not just some people the city is all over the place without septa this strike ends to end soon and fast so everything and get back on track and the city can be less messy go back to being said normal as possible .
I'm going to talk today about septa strike this is a mess.All the traffic everywhere you can't get though anyway because everyone has to drive to like it's no getting around driving. I understand that he people who work for septa have to have better health insurance of course but thief strike inconveniences everyone. I feel like they should've just  gave them what they wanted so all of this could have been prevented and everyone old go back to everyday life. This is putting everyone at risk more car accidents more people getting urticaria because they are walking.The city is a mess I can't say that enough and why because hey don't want to give the people hate they went and what they deserve that's only fair they'rmue not asking for to much why not just give it to them they need it. Then at the end of the day they still are going to have to I've them somewhat of hat they are asking because that's the only way to going to work. People are missing work and kids are missing school here is that far to them this  sucks people ant make it to appointments the regional ail is far and sometimes tsunami further than people think and everyone can't do a long walk. What about the disabled  and them getting around and  can't get a ride how does that affect them. See the people that septa are fighting really making it hard for everyone not just some people the city is all over the place without septa this strike ends to end soon and fast so everything and get back on track and the city can be less messy go back to being said normal as possible .

Monday, October 24, 2016

Travia Moore
English 101-108

Make-up can be used in different ways i thought that this was a cool idea to use because there are so many ways to use make-up. The detail in this picture say a lot about the make artist behind this beautiful art work i see details,hard work,and beautiful put together job. Lip gloss lip stick it has to be the longest lasting the best color the one that sticks out for everybody that wants to where it.
Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro DramaArmani Ecstasy Lacquer    Yves Saint Laurent Vinyl Cream
Beautiful detail with her make-up her lips pop her eyes are settle not to much eye-shadow hair blush has her cheeks just a little rose goes a long way.

        In this picture her make-up would be nice if she wasn't so peel the dark eyes and red lips are not this lady's best look. they could've macthed her skin tones a little better maybe some pink lips and not that dark color on the eyes.These are just some of the different genres of make-up there are so many more.i like make-up i think its fun and its a stress re-leaver for me and takes my mind off thecrazy things that are goin on around you make-up.

Friday, October 21, 2016

how to do a close reading

Being a close reader is good in some ways because being a close reader you might understand the work a little better. If you read close you start with reading to yourself aloud so you can hear the word that you are reading then get the understanding of what you are reading.. The you need to determine whtra the words and references mean look the words up if you don't know what they are. That way you will know the right way to say the word and know what it means.get to know the sound and rhythm of the writing its like when you make music you have to have the beats together so that the words and the beats line up with each other. you also have to use your imagination so you can visibility of what is on the paper you are reading.Write down things that stand out that you see more than once write the things that are important down tell how things work with the passage.tell how the word are written   on the paperor just in the sentences. what is the tone of the writeror the narratives voice how do he or she sound like.Is the structure good or bad what role does the textual context play in this passage in this moment The theme what is it does it help or is it just there with no reason behind it.  What is the gender of this passage? .Does this passage reveal anything of interest. Is there history behind this story. look backand tell what the thesis is and retell the story in your word.
Travia Moore II
English 101 -108
Movie Genres

There are many different genres in the world they are all around us we just don't see them until we started to learn what a genre is. I'm. going to talk about movie genres i will be showing pictures and telling you the different genres that are there.this is what a film genre is "Film genres are various forms or identifiable types, categories, classifications or groups of films that are recurring and have similar, familiar or instantly-recognizable patterns, syntax, filmic techniques or conventions - that include one or more of the following: settings (and props), content and subject matter, themes, mood, period, plot, central narrative events, motifs, styles, structures, situations, recurring icons (e.g., six-guns and ten-gallon hats in Westerns), stock characters (or characterizations), and stars. Many films are considered hybrids - they straddle several film genres." There are dozens of sub-genres types and hybrids the ones not talked about to much are " martial-arts action films, espionage thrillers, black comedies, and more. "

Main Film Genres
(click here)
Main Film Genres
(click here)
Film Sub-Genres
(click here)
Other Major Film Categories
(click here)
Action Films
Biographical Films (or "Biopics")
Animated Films
Adventure Films
'Chick' Flicks
British (UK Films)
Comedy Films
Detective & Mystery Films
Childrens - Kids - Family-Oriented Films
Crime & Gangster Films
Disaster Films
Classic Films
Drama Films
Fantasy Films
Cult Films
Epics/Historical Films
Film Noir
Documentary Films
Horror Films
Guy Films
Serial Films
Musicals (Dance) Films
Melodramas, Women's or "Weeper" Films
Sexual - Erotic Films
Science Fiction Films
Road Films
Silent Films
War (Anti-War) Films
Romance Films    
Sports Films    
Supernatural Films    

Thriller-Suspense Films    

 The" MAJOR CATEGORIES OF CLASSIFICATIONS OF FILM: Mega Genres". The mojor types,classification or just the general categories of film.

Contrasting Types of Films

Basis in Reality: Non-Fictional (or documentary), or biopics; also Reality Films (or Movies) - derived from Reality TV Fictional Film (also called Narrative Film); there are also Docu-Fiction or Docu-Dramas (part fiction, part documentary) or Semi-documentaries
Length: Feature-length films Shorts (or short subjects), anthology films (films with two or more discrete stories), or serials
Audio: Silents Talkies
Quality and Funding: 'A' (or first-run) pictures; mainstream (big-budget Hollywood) studio films, sometimes blockbusters; professionally-made films 'B' pictures (and lower), also called B-movies, or even Z-movies; independent (aka indie), avant-garde or experimental-underground films (usually low-budget), or art-house films; amateur films or guerrilla-filmmaking
Visual Presentation: Regular 2-D 3-D or Stereoscopic
Color: Black and white or monochrome Color
Viewing Format: Widescreen 'Pan and Scan' formats
Type: Animated films (hand-drawn, CGI, etc.) Live-action (or un-animated) films
Language: Domestic films Foreign-language films (sub-titled or dubbed)
Originality: Original version Prequels, sequels, re-releases and remakes
Rating: Rated films - regarding the degree of violence, profanity, or sexual situations within the film: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, or X Unrated films
Purpose: Message Pictures (usually serious) or Propagandistic Films Purely for Entertainment Pictures

Now I have given you the different genres of movies I have learned that there are so many genres in the world. I am happy that I learned about this now my out look on the world is wider and Im see things i haven't seen before. the world is now brighter. The top ten movie genres are anomation,drama,music/dance,horror,crime/ gangster,romantic comedy, fantasy, action adventure, epics/ historical,science fiction these are the top ten film genres


5. Fantasy3. Epics Historical

8. Crime Gangster 29. Horror

Original Cinema Quad Poster - Movie Film Posters6. Drama

4. Animation2. Science fiction

1. Action Adventure

These movies are different examples of genre and if you have seen any of these movies and you think back you might can say i can point out the different genres in this movie or you might go watch the movies again to see if you can point them out this is a great way to get in the habit of point out the genres in different thing.